Methods to relieve menstrual pain in women
BACKGROUND - Abdominal pain during menstruation is a common problem for many women. So how to solve this problem?
Dysmenorrhea is a worry, even fear because of the intense feeling of abdominal pain, especially for girls who have just had their period in the first few years. Therefore, understanding the causes of menstrual pain is very important so that all of us can control the pain, thereby improving the quality of life during menstruation.
1.Causes of menstrual pain
Menstruation is the shedding of the lining of the uterus, which is a sign of the onset of puberty in girls and continues until menopause. The phenomenon normally occurs within 3 to 5 days with blood loss of about 80 to 200 ml. Menstruation is also considered a mirror reflecting health status.
There can also be secondary causes such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids , endometrial adhesions, cervical canal stenosis, reproductive tract infections, etc.However, there are still women who wait for their period with anxiety, even fear because of the intense feeling of abdominal pain, especially girls who have just had their period in the first few years. The cause of this condition is usually due to excessive contraction of the uterus to expel menstrual blood, which is found in uteruses that are highly sensitive to stimuli, or in abnormal uterine positions such as anterior flexion. , fold back .etc…
Besides medical intervention, there are also quite simple methods that women can refer to and apply:
2. How to help relieve menstrual pain
2.1 Living and working modes contribute to reducing dysmenorrhea.
Women need to rest more, avoid excessive exercise or exertion one day before their expected period and one day after their period is gone. Also during this time, it is necessary to do light exercise such as walking, cycling, yoga and breathing fresh air. On the other hand, during menstruation, temperament can change, so women need to be really calm, avoid stress, actively relieve stress, avoid emotions and especially avoid sex.
Regarding the body, always keep the body warm so that the blood can circulate easily, especially to keep the "round 2" and the lower abdomen warm, always pay attention to hygiene (including menstrual hygiene) to prevent To prevent the risk of infection, in cold weather should take a bath with warm water, add a little salt to the basin or bath: all this relaxes the muscles, including the pelvic and abdominal muscles, thereby help ease the pain.
When working or at home, too, should wear loose, comfortable clothes, paying attention to avoid tight belts.
- Must sleep well and enough: During menstruation, hormonal changes and pain make a woman tired and difficult to sleep. Therefore, we need to actively "find" a good night's sleep, sleep at least 8 hours a day, do not forget to take a nap at noon. Experts recommend sleeping in the fetal position, in this position, the abdominal muscles are relaxed and help relieve menstrual pain.
Knowing the cause of pain is very important for you to be able to control the pain
- Nutrition: Should eat enough nutrients, low in fat and rich in fiber, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables because they contain many vitamins, including vitamins E, B1, B6, magnesium, zinc and omega 3, these ingredients reduce hormones that cause menstrual pain, relax muscles, reduce inflammation if any.
Many experts recommend eating apples, because apples contain the enzyme bromelain that helps relieve menstrual pain
In addition, during this time, women should drink a lot of warm water, fruit juice, should not drink coffee, alcohol because it can cause gastrointestinal irritation, making the pain more complicated. Limit salty, spicy, and hot foods because they can easily cause constipation, making abdominal pain worse.
2.2. Methods to help relieve menstrual cramps
-Apply warm water to the lower abdomen with a hot water bottle or bag, care should be taken to avoid overheating, which will cause skin burns;-Position for pain relief: "fetal" position: lying on the right side, can hug the pillow for more comfort.
- Apply fresh ginger: fresh ginger is thinly sliced, pounded, put in a cloth wrap, heated over the fire, then take the ginger part and apply it to the lower abdomen for about 5 to 7 minutes;
-Paint or rub hot oil on the lower abdomen;
- Soak your feet in warm, dilute salt water and combine with foot massage to relieve pain because there are acupuncture points related to the pelvis;
- Massage the lower abdomen : You should massage yourself gently and often during menstruation, this movement relaxes muscles to help relieve pain caused by uterine contractions.
3. Taking medicine to treat dysmenorrhea
Take vitamin E before menstruation and continue to maintain until the 3rd day of the cycle;
In case the pain is still not reduced, or reduced but not significantly: women can go to the doctor for instructions on the use of pain relievers, pay attention not to self-medicate.
When it comes to menstruation, if the pain is severe, you can see your doctor for instructions on using pain relievers.
4.Prevent pain during menstrual cycle
Knowing the risks that cause pain during menstruation, we have absolutely a basis for prevention.
- Keeping the appendix free of infection: Proper and regular hygiene, pregnancy at the right age, safe and healthy sex.
- Avoid mental stress (psychological trauma, stressful work, can't control emotions), avoid physical stress (do right, on time, don't try too hard, be safe and won't cause damage). injury to the body)
- Practice safe contraception, avoid abortion.
- Treatment of gynecological diseases or sexually transmitted diseases.
- Go for a thorough examination and treatment of diseases of the uterus and appendages such as: sexually transmitted diseases, diseases such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, adhesions of the uterine lining, Cervical narrowing…
- If menstruation is irregular: go to the doctor to find out the cause and treat it right away.
- Improve physical fitness by supplementing with proper nutrition and exercising regularly. Some experts say that obese people are more likely to have menstrual cramps than others.
- Don't smoke: There are studies that show that smoking habits and menstrual cramps are always proportional to each other.
5. Doctor's advice
Dysmenorrhea is often confused with pain caused by dangerous surgical emergencies such as appendicitis, intestinal volvulus, intestinal obstruction, ectopic pregnancy, torsion ovarian tumour, etc. Therefore, When there is any pain in the abdomen, occurring during or outside of menstruation, we must also go to the doctor to rule it out. All for the sake of safety, we must pay special attention to this issue.
In summary, menstruation is a characteristic of women of reproductive age, the control and overcoming of possible troubles during menstruation must be scientifically, regularly and responsibly concerned. responsibility, so that menstrual pain is no longer a fear or obsession of a woman, so that life, work and activities during this time can continue normally.
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